Dear Media of Britain.
Out of the goodness of my heart I have written the only article you will ever need about wearing poppies leading up to Remembrance Sunday.
No, you don't have to wear one.
No, don't harass or insult people for not wearing one.
No, wearing a red poppy does not glorify war.
No, red poppies do not glorify the War on Terror, or the invasion of Iraq specifically either.
Yes, you can wear a white poppy instead (or as well), just don't imply you're therefore better than everyone else.
Furthermore, you can wear a poppy any time from the beginning of the appeal on 23rd October until after Armistice Day on 11th November. England, Wales and NI have the same red poppy and Scotland has a similar but subtly different red poppy, both are fine. And, you can wear it on the left side, right side, either way up or however, as long as, in the words of the Royal British Legion, you "wear it with pride".
There we go. Complete and Done. Now go and get a poppy, it's an excellent cause.
And, Media of Britain, if at any point you're unsure, just re-read the tweet below.