Monday 4 November 2013

Educational Hip Hop

For a long time I have been very fond of what I'd call 'Educational Hip Hop'. These videos make a particular niche of Youtube content: a charming mix of of entertainment with educational substance.

Hip Hop is better than most other musical genres for education because of its emphasis on quick speech, meaning you can get across a lot more information in the same two to three minutes than you can in a traditional song.

And the genre is happily expanding all the time. Below is a small selection of videos I've come across that span History, Theology, Economics, Energy Science & English. Please do let me know about any other quality productions so I can add them to this growing library of Hip Hop academia.

And thank you, Educational Hip Hop, for combining two of my great loves: Hip Hop and Academia.


Origins of World War One
The Rap Battle of Kings

King Charles II & The British Restoration

Epic Magna Carta Rap Battle
Horrible Histories


Martin Luther, His 95 Theses 
and the Protestant Reformation


Fear the Boom and Bust with F.A.Hayek and J.M.Keynes

The Fight of the Century.
Hayek & Keynes . Government Austerity vs Stimulus

Deck the Halls with Macro Follies.  
Have a Very Austrian Christmas!


The Fracking Song (with funk)
Yeah, Baby.


The Antonym Rap

Word! Professor. . . .  or something.

(Obvious disclaimer: No videos are my own. All thanks to respective Youtube creators.)